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  1. Genome Engineering

    – The course consists of lectures and projects:

    Lecture: The goals of the lectures are to teach the fundamentals of genome engineering at the molecular and cellular level and provide …

  2. Physics Lab Courses in Corona times

    – We offer beginner lab courses to all physics students and as a service to students from other departments. Our teaching staff consists of 6 main responsible persons (authors of this …

  3. Agroecologists without Borders

    – The goal of “Agroecologists without borders” is to introduce students to the complexity and challenges, both biophysical as well as socio-​​​economic, inherent in agricultural development interventions, and to develop their …

  4. Strategies for Sustainable Business

    – Before the time of distance learning, I taught Strategies for Sustainable Business as a block course over three full days (see Figure). My teaching style does not rely on frontal …

  5. Prisma

    – The PRISMA initiative has developed a platform for engagement, teaching and learning. It is meant to support the capstone course that enables students to learn and apply their knowledge in …

  6. Production and Operations Management

    – This course features two teaching innovations: #POM4 all and FactoryVR. #POM4all is the result of fundamentally rethinking online teaching. Instead of replicating classroom lectures online, we sought inspiration from science …

  7. Hacking for Social Sciences

    – The core concept of the course (and its answer to distance learning) is to mimic an open source software community. Open source communities have been tackling complex software projects collaboratively …

  8. Digital Health Project

    – During the time of distance learning, both lectures followed an online flipped classroom concept with live input sessions and complementary coaching sessions via Zoom, as well as additional online learning …

  9. Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena in Nanotechnology

    – The main purpose of the course is for the students to select an existing research paper, make a poster, and present it in a “virtual” symposium with the theme “Nanotechnology …

  10. Innovationsprozess

    – Die Vorlesung Innovationsprozess vermittelt Fach- und Methodenwissen für die Entwicklung neuartiger technischer Produkte von der ersten Idee bis zum marktfähigen Produkt. Wesentlicher Bestandteil der Vorlesung sind Fallbeispiele realer Produktentwicklungen von …

  11. Videos und Apps für Analysis-Servicevorlesungen

    – "Mathematik-Vorlesungen gelten als trockene Studienfächer: Der Inhalt wird an der Kreidetafel vermittelt, es gibt wenig Interaktion, geübt wird zuhause. Andreas Steiger zeigt in seiner Vorlesung, wie Dozierende mit digitalen Hilfsmitteln …

  12. Psychiatrie & Computational Psychiatry

    – The course is structured as a block course of 5 days. The goal of the course is to introduce students to psychiatry, with a focus on typical psychiatric disorders, and …

  13. Imaging and Computing in Medicine

    – Imaging and Computing in Medicine (ICM) is a highly innovative, cross-​disciplinary course bringing together students from 7 departments (HEST, ITET, MAVT, PHYS, BIOL, CHAB, GESS) that uses state-​of-the-art educational …

  14. Large «Problem Based Learning» Sessions – No problem with Miro Boards!

    – A problem based learning setting has been part of the first semester lecture "World Food System" for many years.
    Students select from three scenarios with a challenging question. They dive …

  15. Virtual Thermodynamics Lab and its use in Advanced Physical Chemistry

    – ETHermodynamics is software that was specifically designed for students to get a deeper understanding of thermodynamics. It provides an intuitive UI that allows students to set up experiments that are …

  16. From Flipped Classroom to Blended Learning

    – During the pandemic we shifted a traditional lecture to a flipped classroom setting. Apart from reorganizing the in-class phases, we managed to foster students’ curiosity and interactions by implementing a …

  17. Teaching ethics: Ethics Resource Platform

    – The ETHics Resource Platform encourages students to consider ethics in the research environment. It is a living resource collection that collates materials supporting ethical decision making. The diverse set of …

  18. Online Information Fair: ETH Library –Your partner for managing the research life cycle

    – In cooperation with the Doctoral Administration of ETH Zurich, the ETH Library offers a two-hour online information fair every semester for the approximately 800 new doctoral students each year.

  19. Excursions in the World Food System

    – The BSc course "Exkursionen im World Food System" aims to strengthen the student’s competencies to establish links between course topics of the first year’s lectures to hand-on experiences in their …

  20. Bridging Art and Science

    – The course uses movies as a primary tool for learning about global development and sustainability within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students learn about storytelling …

  21. Developing an interdisciplinary research idea

    – First offered in Spring 2021 in the Neuroscience Center Zurich PhD program, this course guided doctoral students to develop high-quality interdisciplinary research project ideas. Each student co-registered for the course …

  22. STACK – an online assessment tool

    – STACK is a free online assessment package for mathematics using a computer algebra kernel. It provides a new Moodle question type which is designed for evaluating both numeric and algebraic …

  23. Engaging Physics Tutoring HUB

    – During the time of distance learning, we have built a community of good teaching practice based on the engaging physics-tutoring hub called “EPT-hub”. This hub now offers instructional and didactical …

  24. International Development Engineering

    – This course was designed to make “lemonade out of lemons”, i.e., to make the best use out of the forced remote learning phase in spring 2021. For each week of …

  25. Autonomous Gamified Learning

    – The project is based on the Academic Writing Course at D-MTEC

    The idea for the redesign of the Academic Writing Course was conceived before the pandemic but implemented during …

  26. One Study, Two Paths: The Dual-Use Dilemma in the Life Sciences

    – Studierende der Natur-​ und Lebenswissenschaften setzen sich in dem Seminar intensiv mit dem Dual-​Use Dilemma auseinander. Im thematischen Zentrum stehen also Forschungserkenntnisse mit dem Potential, sowohl mit gut-​ als auch …


    – The courses Organic Chemistry I and II (Biol./Pharm. Sci./HST) are two first-year courses of the study programs Biology, Health Sciences and Technology, and Pharmaceutical Sciences (500 – 600 students). While …

  28. MSc Pharmacy: Clinical Trainings

    – Um den Studierenden im Masterstudiengang Pharmazie an der ETH Zürich unsere Vorlesungsreihe «Clinical Trainings» trotz des Pandemiegeschehens anbieten zu können, wurden anstelle von Patientenkontakt Simulationstrainings mit Schauspielern entwickelt. Dazu wurde …

  29. Transformation of hands-on practical courses to virtual labs during the Corona Pandemic (and beyond)

    – The Corona Pandemic hit the biology practical courses with 400 students in the middle of the first experiments. These courses are designed to train students in common techniques and prepare …

  30. The School of Architecture for Reconciliation

    – The School of Architecture for Reconciliation took place between January and May 2021 and was organized by the MAS ETH in Housing in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia …

  31. Algorithms, Probability and Computing

    – This project was about creating software tools that allow instructors to create TeX documents for teaching purposes that contain interactive components. These interactive components allow students to give answers to …

  32. Idea League course

    – The summer school is organized as an intensive two weeks combination of lectures, team work and a project based performance assessment. Due to the Covid pandemic in 2020 and …

  33. Hands-on Quadcopter Education at all Levels

    – “Quad-​rotors: Control and Estimation” is a project-​based course for 5th and 6th semester bachelor students. It uses state-​of-the-art nano quad-​rotor technology to give students a hands-​on lab experience. Through this …

  34. Rain Forest Ecology

    – Tropical rain forests host most of the world's terrestrial biodiversity, are critical to global climate, and support livelihoods of billions of people. Yet, many tropical forests are under threat due …

  35. CEMETS Virtual Institute

    – The CEMETS Institute is an education systems reform lab, occurring annually since 2015. It is a unique learning experience for policymakers that translates science into policy. Participants join in teams …

  36. Differential Diagnostics

    – The one-​week course Differential Diagnostics is an integral course in the trajectory of the medical studies at ETHZ and takes place at the very end of the third study year …

  37. Lehre in Zeiten der Pandemie

    – The Covid-​19 pandemic is a tragedy for innumerable people worldwide. Like every historical crisis, it is also a mirror which makes one perceive the own situation more clearly and forces …

  38. Graduate Collective

    – Doctoral students need to acquire a large skillset to meet the numerous and diverse challenges they face during their studies. Struggles are inherent in this phase of life, but the …

  39. CodeExpert meets PELE

    – Self-organizing, flexible appointments between students and TAs made easy

    We teach Computer Science to 1200 students from various life science and engineering departments. Our courses focus on learning the …

  40. What do students learn and think at the SPH?

    – Future-ready graduates must be prepared for a world in which the pace of change is accelerating, a world in which technology is evolving radically, and a world that needs innovative …

  41. Corporate Sustainability

    – In the main course of the Group for Sustainability & Technology at D-MTEC, students learn about key concepts in corporate sustainability and develop skills to implement them in the real …

  42. Protect Us From What We Want

    – Have you ever resisted the desire to travel and tried to imagine this journey? What does travel mean in the post-Holocene era? The seminar explored the relevance of the seminar …

  43. Learning Spaces in Pandemic Times

    – Teaching in architecture would per se highly need physical presence of students and teaching staff. Students need to draw, to build models, to have equipment, to visit sites. All benefit …

  44. «Mixed Reality» in praktischen Laborkursen

    – Natural Sciences phenomena can be hard to understand due to inherent complexity and the inability to cognitively perceive the underlying processes and mechanisms. This can create a disconnect between a …

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